Etsy Shop for CCoatsOfManyColours

Friday, May 27, 2022

Visiting Family

Thanks to my hardworking husband who is very kind.  He allowed me to go and visit my family.  Since we crossed the one year milestone of laying the foundation for our marriage, it was time to see family.  It was a great trip spending time with my parents, brother, sister in law, niece, and many friends who are family as well.  I stayed one week and it was emotional when it was time for me to come home.  Many tears were shed.  When parents are older you never know how much time you have together though we look forward to real life for all eternity together.  

It was great to be reunited with my great and loving blessing of a husband.  All thanks goes to God, my husband, family and friends for this trip.

Monday, May 2, 2022

New Etsy Shop Listings For Sale

I love how my husband and I were married at the beginning of Spring last year when everything was coming into bloom and back to life. I know that summer is generally the favorite season for weddings, but I personally am glad that mine was in the Spring. Spring is a perfect time for new beginnings. Since I've had over a year to adjust to a new lifestyle with my hardworking and dedicated husband, I can focus on my third passion; and I say third because God is first, then family second, then my passions. They say if you choose a career that you love, then it won't seem like work. That is so true. I absolutely love what I do! I have re-booted my CCoatsOfManyColours online shop! Please feel free to check out my new creations.  Please enjoy! My Etsy shop remains the same at this web address:

New Creations For Sale!

 A few photo samples of new CCoatsofManyColours creations for sale on Etsy.  Feel free to check out all CCoatsofManyColours creations on Etsy at this web link:

One Year Anniversary

 Our one year wedding anniversary has come and gone.

A Sweet Move to Southern Hospitality

 My husband and I relocated to the DEEP south.  The South is known for the unhealthy habit of putting too much sugar in foods which is ironi...